Monday, February 27, 2012

How does a car accident affect my auto insurance premiums ...

How does an automobile accident affect my vehicle insurance premiums?

Car Insurance Questions

Being complex in a blow will affect your ante in assorted manners. The means in which it will affect your premiums are abased aloft the underwriting guidelines your allowance provider has. There will not consistently be a abrogating aftereffect on the action rate.

Car collisions are classified on a few factors. One of the most important ones is whether or not you are considered to be at fault in the car accident or not. If you are not found to be at fault in the accident, more than likely your premiums will not be affected. If the collision did not involve another car, a traffic accident might be considered chargeable unless it was the direct result of an act of nature. A police report will usually suffice for an auto insurance company in determining who is at fault in a car accident. It is possible for more than one party to be found at fault in the scenario.

A collision may be considered non-chargeable if the damages to a car amount to less than $750 in repair charges. This $750 limit may be raised or lowered depending on the specifications of your auto insurance company. If there are no injuries to any parties involved and the damage is confined to a small amount, your auto insurance premiums will not be affected. If you are considered at fault in a car accident where traffic laws are broken, you may receive a citation. If you are issued a citation, non moving violations will not be included.

The circumstances surrounding a car accident play a large role in how the collision will be classified. If you collide with an emergency car, you may not be deemed responsible for the car accident. In their hurry to reach the scene of a car accident, traffic laws may be disregarded by the car's drivers. If this is the case, you are not considered to be at fault. There are other considerations to take into account, though. Was a driver involved in the car accident under the influence of alcohol or drugs? This is considered to be a major violation, and the car accident will almost certainly be considered to be their fault.

If a car accident on your record occurred more than three years ago, it will not be considered chargeable by an auto insurance company since a statute of limitations exists on traffic accidents. If you are in an car accident, do not worry about how it affects your rates too much. If your insurance provider raises your rates, it is possible for you to use price comparison techniques to find a carrier with more affordable auto insurnace rates.

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