Thursday, January 31, 2013

Using Genomics to Add Value and Address Problems in Energy and Mining

Genomics is a transformative technology that already has a key role in addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing society today. It is also becoming widely recognized as a critical foundation for numerous applications that will contribute to the emergence of a Canadian bio-economy.

Genome Canada and Canada's Genome Centres are focusing a significant amount of effort to build and improve ways of translating discoveries into new applications that lead to economic and social benefits as quickly as possible. In particular there is a strong need to involve industry so that research targets and results can find a useful home to bring those results into everyday use and generate practical social and economic value.

To reach these goals 7 sectors have been targeted for areas where genomics tools and technology are already being used or where there are new opportunities to use the technology to solve problems and overcome obstacles. Energy and Mining are 2 of the sectors where genomics tools are only beginning to be used and where there are definite advantages to deploying the new technology to help in production or environmental remediation.

Genome Alberta and the?Ontario Genomics Institute are championing a national Hydrocarbon Energy/ Metal Mining Genomics Strategy. The main goal of the strategy is to identify the challenges that the hydrocarbon energy and metal mining sectors are facing and to assess the role for (micro) biology/genomics/biotechnology to mitigate such challenges, including how to address the environmental impact. As part of Phase I, we have developed a?draft Strategy Document and you are invited to download the document and comment on the objectives and the technology:

Advancing Operations in the Canada Energy and Mining Sector through State-of-the-Art Genomics Applications


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