Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Absolute Devotion & Loyalty, That's a Dog | Steve Dale's Pet World

By Steve Dale, Sunday at 10:08 am

Absolute Devotion & Loyalty, That's a Dog
Captain sleeps on his owner's grave every night.

A German Shepherd dog, called Captain, has slept on the grave of his owner every night at 6pm for the last six years. The dog's owner Miguel Guzm?n died in 2006.

According to Internet reports, Captain, the dog, disappeared while the family attended the funeral services. A week later relatives of Guzm?n were visiting the cemetery when they were astounded to find the dog on the owner's grave.

The cemetery director reportedly says that the dog comes around each night at 6 p.m., and has done so for the past six years.

Even if this an Internet hoax (I have not verified that the story is true), we do know dogs in the past have expressed such absolute devotion and loyalty. This is who dogs are.

For those who maintain dogs don't really love - if this isn't love, what is?

Source: http://www.chicagonow.com/steve-dales-pet-world/2013/01/absolute-devotion-loyalty-thats-a-dog/

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