Monday, March 19, 2012

What bird can I buy as a pet? - Pet care and feed

Originally I wanted to buy an male Alexandrine Parrot, Hand bread so I can cuddle it :) and I want male because my brother has a female aswell and its agressive. The only problem is it lives for 40 years? 40 year sis a biggg! commitment, I am 15 now.. I will have it until I am 55. Is there any parrots that are good pets hand raised and talk that don?t live for 40 years?

plenty of parrots living under forty years; cockatiels, lovebirds, parrotlets, lineolated parrots, senegal, meyers, suns, jendays, indian ringneck and others

What about a parakeet?

If you don?t buy them in pairs and take them out for at least an hour a day, it is fairly easy to train them, and they naturally pick up human language.

I had 2 Quaker parrots. They are beautiful pets. I would get 2 hand reared parrots but they can be quite expensive. They can also talk. :)


All true finches belong to the family Fringillidae, but many types of pet birds from other families have the word finch in their common name since they look similar to the true finches. Two of the most commonly kept pet true finches are Zebra finch (Poephila guttata) and Society finch (Lonchura domestica). The House finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) also has a history of being kept as a pet and the populations found in Eastern and Midwestern United States hail from released and escaped pet finches. Finches are known to having strong and stubby beaks; an adaptation to a diet consisting chiefly of hard seeds.
Pigeons and doves

Pigeons are one of the oldest types of pet bird and have been kept for thousands of years ? as pets, for food, and to deliver messages. The ever present pigeon colloquially referred to simply as Pigeon is a domesticated version of Rock Pigeon, Columba livia. Today, you can find feral populations of this bird around the globe. There are no steadfast rules regarding the use of the two terms pigeon and dove, but ornithologists tend to reserve the word pigeon for larger species and use dove for smaller ones. Regardless of what you call them, pigeons and doves all belong to the family Columbidae.

There are roughly 370 known species of parrot and many different types of pet birds belong to this group. African greys, budgerigars (?budgies?), parakeets, rosellas, lovebirds, parrotlets, caiques, cockatoos, cockatiels, conures, pionus birds, macaws, and amazons ? they are all parrots. Most parrots live in tropical and subtropical climates but there are actually a few temperate species as well. The greatest diversity of parrots is found in South America and Australasia.

All species of Parrots are protected by CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). As of 2009, 56 parrot varieties are listed in CITES appendix I (endangered species) and all the other ones are listed in appendix II (vulnerable species).

Fortunately, many parrot species are today successfully bred in captivity which means that you can get this type of pet bird without depleting wild populations.
African Grey Parrot

The African Grey Parrot, Psittacus erithacus, is considered one of the most intelligent birds in the world. It can mimic not only human speech but a long row of other sounds as well, including the calls of other birds. Some individuals even have a documented ability to understand the meaning of words, e.g. associate the word for red with the colour red, and can use this capacity to construct sentences. The African Grey Parrot inhabits primary and secondary rainforests in West and Central Africa and needs old trees with cavities for nesting. Just like other clever types of pet bird, the African Grey Parrot must be given plenty of mental stimulation in captivity; things to investigate and puzzles to solve; otherwise it will become bored and depressed.
Amazon Parrot

Amazon parrots comprise the genus Amazona in the parrot family Psittacidae. There are 25-30 described species of Amazon parrot; all hailing from South or Central America (including Mexico and the Caribbean). This type of pet bird is similar to African Grey Parrots in their ability to mimic sounds, including human speech, and their constant need for mental and social stimulation. They can for instance learn the name of objects in their environment. Amazon parrots are predominantly green but many species sports striking accenting colours. Amazon parrots are usually very noisy at sunrise and sunset, in the wild as well as in captivity.

The Caiques are two colourful and comparatively small parrots in the genus Pionites: Pionites leucogaster and Pionites melanocephalus. The first one is commonly known as White-bellied Caique while the later is referred to as Black-headed Caique. Both are endemic to the Amazon Basin. Compared to many other types of pet bird, Caiques are not very good at imitating human speech. Those individuals that do will speak in a soft, gravelly voice. Caiques are on the other hand really good at imitating machine sounds, so prepare to hear a lot of microwave beeps, door bells and alarm clocks. They are also fond of whistling tunes and composing their own ones.


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